WRIC provides knowledge and opportunities to support the economic aspirations, self-sufficiency, and emotional well-being of individuals so they may live with hope, security, and dignity.

We provide programs and services in:

Career Services - Unemployment/re-employment, job search counseling, resume development, interview coaching, career assessment, networking, navigating online job sites (e.g., LinkedIn) workshops, and employment assistance
Career Closet - Career clothing
Case Management -
Crisis support, referrals, assistance with social services, advocacy, basic needs assistance
Displaced Homemaker and Single-Parent Services -
Support counseling, resources, and referrals for those affected by disability, divorce, death of a partner
Microsoft Training & Quickbooks Training (certification testing available) - Basic computer training
Education Counseling
- GED/HSE, apprenticeship program referrals, resources and application assistance
Entrepreneurship -
Seminars and resources for starting a business, developing business plans, financing and marketing
ESL/Citizenship Classes -
English-as-a-Second Language (ESL), citizenship education, and work readiness for New Americans
Financial Literacy -
Informational workshops, support groups, and one-on-one credit counseling
Health & Wellness / Self-Development
- Workshops, Planned Parenthood, special programming, including yoga & meditation. Parenting workshops, art therapy, crime victim support groups, and more. Check our calendar scheduling
Information, Resources & Referrals - Links to social service agencies, community organizations and local resources
Legal Consultations - Appointments with family law attorneys specializing in matrimonial, custody, & child support issues and immigration attorneys
Shared Housing - Services to assist individuals in finding compatible housemates and establishing shared households; referrals for other housing related needs
Victim Services - Support and advocacy for those affected by crime i.e., domestic violence, sexual abuse/exploitation, gun violence, etc.
Volunteering -
Opportunities available
Women’s Diversity Book Group -
Discussion of works by and about women
Women’s Rights Advocacy -
Information and awareness to eliminate barriers, and to promote women’s leadership and advancement in the workplace and in life
WorkFirst New Jersey -
Referrals, resources, application assistance, case management

All services are free, low-cost, or subsidized for eligible clients.
Click on ‘Services’ button for more information on programs & services.