CLICK HERE FOR NJ County Mental Health Administrators
Psychiatric Emergency Screening Program - PESP (Care Plus NJ)
(201) 262-HELP (4357)
262-HELP – a program of CarePlus – is Bergen County’s Designated Psychiatric Emergency Screening Program, providing emergency mental health services to residents of Bergen County. Services 24-hours a day, 365 days a year
Villa Kali Ma offers addiction and mental health recovery programs for women who suffer from substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. In their integrative sustainable recovery programs, their goal is to facilitate healing and transformation of women’s lives. In order to accomplish this goal, they guide women to look deeper, beyond the pain and fear, and uncover the truth of who they are.
Click HERE to learn more about how they help women heal.
Culturally competent resources for people of color and an editorially curated list of the top-rated rehab centers in New Jersey.
Live Another Day was created in early 2021 as a response to the unprecedented increase in substance abuse, mental illness, and deaths resulting from the pandemic. They’re a small, tight-knit group of business professionals and clinicians who have invested thousands of hours towards creating a true one-of-a-kind recovery resource. Many are in recovery themselves, and their sincere wish is that their website gives you, the visitor, a second chance at life. To that end, they’ve evaluated over 14,000 treatment providers throughout the country and only list those that meet their standards for high-quality care. Click HERE to access the list.
Gender discrimination takes on many forms, affecting primarily women, but also men. It occurs in the workplace, in the classroom, in sports, and even in the home. Unchecked, it can take a toll on mental health. Click HERE to learn more.
Through their eight divisions, NJDHS provides numerous programs and services designed to give eligible individuals and families the help they need for economic and health challenges. They include health insurance through NJ FamilyCare or Medicaid, food assistance through NJ SNAP, independent living supports, personal care services, and much more. For useful information and resources click HERE
That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief
“The loss of normalcy; the fear of economic toll; the loss of connection. This is hitting us and we’re grieving. Collectively. We are not used to this kind of collective grief in the air.”
Click HERE for this timely article from the Harvard Business Review
Get News on COVID-19 from Authoritative Sources
In order to obtain the most accurate information on this virus, it is essential that people refer to trusted voices of authority. Please visit the websites of the New Jersey Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, and the World Health Organization (WHO) for more information. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.
The CDC is tracking cases of COVID-19 in the US. See the US Cases, Maps and Stats (updated at noon Monday-Friday).
Find your local public health department.
News and Resources for Personal Matters
Applying for assistance with basic needs - Our state has an online application and screening tool that can be used for many of the basic services designed to help those struggling to make ends meet. Learn about NJHelps.
The DCAid website will allow you to go through a screening process to see if you are eligible for the NJ housing assistance programs.
Education - The NJ Department of Education website offers a link to school closings and other education-related resources.
Social Security Services - To find out what services are continuing and which ones are being suspended, how to contact your Social Security office, and important information about deadlines that are being extended in an effort to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic visit this page of their site.
Tax Assistance - The IRS has established a special section focused on steps to help taxpayers, businesses and others affected by the Coronavirus-19. This page will be updated as new information is available.
Unemployment Benefits - New Jersey’s Earned Sick Leave Law even covers public health emergencies – employees can use Earned Sick leave if their workplace or child’s school or daycare is closed due to an epidemic, or if a public health authority determines the need for quarantine.
Earned Sick Leave can be used for self-care, or for a person to care for a family member, which includes a child, grandchild, sibling, spouse, parent or grandparent, domestic or civil union partner, anyone related by blood to the employee, or anyone whose close association with the employee is the equivalent of family. Details on this and more can be found at the NJ Department of Labor website.
Vigilance against Scammers Urged - If you receive a call from a scammer or suspect price gouging, please report it to the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs at (973) 504-6240 or at